Vampires and Ravens

I have been busy the last couple of days, doing some texturing for another artist's larger project, so Perdita's head has landed on a Soom Cinderella body and she looks pretty good. I will have a lot of actual work in the next month or so (which is good) so Perdita needed feet that were pre-made, instead of waiting for me to finish the Sculpey body. The owner of the Mirodoll body that Perdita was on before wanted it back--there is nothing like having a disembodied head glaring at you when you are trying to work to motivate one to fix the situation. And the Bianca head looks quite nice on the Soom body--it's not a cheap solution (I was thinking of selling that body), but it works-- and I love the fussy little Resinsoul jointed hands on her.
Even the transition from NS to white works with a vampire. Still no clothes yet, but I have all the material, and thanks to Akutenshi, all the lace. I need to get back to work--I made a mistake on this file I am working on, and ended up with something I need to fix (things are the wrong size and not arranged well) but the goof file made me laugh:
It looks like Poe the Crow trying to be a Rick Griffin logo.
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