Jaden Before and After

So this was my Granado Jaden, awkwardly placed on a Euclase body with bird feet because his head was much too large for the body I had waiting for him (an old Impl Star man body, which unlike the new Star bodies, is fairly small. Jaden, while a gorgeous head, is not a small head. So I found him a new home in Wales with a customizer and artist (SilverEyedPsycho), who has almost every head Granado has issued--and most now with custom elf ears. For some reason Granado heads just look awesome with elf ears. So here is Mr. Jaden with the ears in progress:
And here is he painted-- and oh so cute!!
What a difference from the rather depressed-looking guy who was here! He has a new and charming personality and a ton of skin detail. I'm so happy he found a good home!
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