After some pondering, K decided that for Christmas she would like something that poverty was keeping her from buying for herself, so she wanted something from Sephora, the makeup store that hides in J.C. Penny's (of all places). We went on a scouting expedition Monday and she also looked at the Sephora website, and said sadly that she liked "about 400 dollars worth of stuff" so she would have to narrow it down. (Especially as my gray cat decided to get an abscess for Christmas, possibly from being bitten by Stripey, so I will not be getting a visit from an electrician for Christmas myself). We did have a fun trip to Hugo's Frog Bar last night as part of the "Company Christmas events." K looked at the dinner menu (which is pretty pricey) and said that she would rather "get makeup than a salad". But we went today and found something that was less than the chicken at Hugos, and we also found a big shiny Korean grocery store amazingly close to the house, so we may go back there tomorrow to look for candy and produce. And strange sodas. I spent the rest of the day coloring in satin fabric on a bookcover, which was more fun than it sounds.
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