Natalia Loseva's Dolls

Her Live Journal is here, and while Google Translate is a bit murky at times, at least you can get the main sense of her entries. I am not sure how tall the dolls are, but they are so beautifully painted they are well worth a visit. Loseva writes that she "paints with a magnifying glass" and I believe it, since the details are so perfect--the girls are very "alive" looking. Loseva also makes the beautiful clothing!

So far I haven't figured out how to contact her, but here are her store policies, and if you log into the page with facebook you may be able to leave a comment, and hopefully she can translate it. It looks like she will cast a few and then sell the already completed dolls from her Journal. PayPal does not seem to be an option?

Here's a blogspot page about her dolls and her process:

And here is her Facebook page:

As of March 2016, she is on Den of Angels so if you are also a member you can drop her a PM!


  1. her dolls are 32cm tall... but I can't see her prices! :(

    1. It's very mysterious...maybe if you keep checking her LJ she will update the information?

  2. I found her fb profile: Мир живых кукол Натальи Лосевой. Maybe it can help!

    1. Thank you so much! I have gotten a lot of questions and I have no answers.. except the dolls are gorgeous!

    2. You are welcome) I stumbled upon this amazing dolls world... very fascinating, indeed.

  3. Thanks for the comments, at least I now know the size. The price is a mystery. Cute bodies! And faces! I want to know more. If anyone finds out more, please post back.

    1. I hope someone else will leave a note for me so the prices can be discovered--I haven't checked her facebook page recently. She does have a blogspot though:
      natalialoseva-dolls ( I can't put the address in the comments because Google immediately dumps the comment into spam).


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