Toto! Toto!

Here are some Simply Divine heads: From left to right: Harlequin, then West Nile Christopher (because the West Nile virus is fatal to crows, so the name makes sense for a crow skull), Toto (hehe!) and then the newest in the Simply Divine family, Tatsuo, who also comes with some masks if you buy the full set of three (Tatsuo, Toto and a mask, ShiShi). Here are the masks:
And those are the colors you can get the masks: Bronze, Imperial Jade, Temple Gold and.. a white...uh, well, it has a nice name but it's white and shiny and looks great. (I need to go back and update this). Toto, by the way comes also in Cinnabar, which is a Fire Engine Red and very cool, especially as you can order a matching body from Impldoll and it looks like the head should fit on the new Star body. Here is the Simply Divine Etsy if you want to look at the heads in detail:
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