Soom Little Gem/Elf Female Measurements
When Akutenshi7 came over Saturday, she brought Miss Fiona (A Soom Thera) here to be measured. Fiona is, except for her little sheep feet, pretty much a standard msd/ mini size.Here's the numbers:
43 cm tall
17cm bust
13 cm shoulder point to wrist, along outside of arm
nape of neck to waist, in back 8cm
6cm upper arm
5.5 cm forearm
7.5 cm hand width widest part, Left hand
7 cm hand width widest part, Right hand
wrist at ball 5cm
14 cm around under bust plate (waist)(Soom says 15 cm)
18.5 hips
10.5 cm thigh
waist to knee at front 12cm
waist to knee at back 12cm
20 cm leg length (from Soom site, I assume the human form)
5.5 foot length (also from Soom site)
22cm around shoulders (for cloaks)
7.5 neck in middle
19cm head circumference
Eyes 16-14mm
7/8 wig
Awww what a cutie!
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