The Naperville Doll Show

I met Akutenshi7 down at the Naperville show and we had so much fun--there was even more stuff there this year than last year, and if you were looking for little muslin doll clothes, the prices were crazy low--I got a couple of very cute things for $2.00 each, and a bunch more outfits for under 10.00, including this dress and hat for Dierdre (she was wearing ballet flats right after we came home and put everyone in their new clothes, but then it got sort of cold in here (I think I need a new thermostat) so I put the boots on her. Probably the best thing I found was this amazing Victorian-style skirt--it needs some repairs and I think it's missing it's original bustle, but it is still amazing..and it fits Sophie the Beryl:
Some of the missing trim is cheneille yarn that I am pretty sure JoAnn's carries, I just need to see if I can come close to the color, which you can see better here:
One of the weirdest things I saw at the show was an alligator foot made into a coin purse..:o?
There were a couple of (I think) Hopi kachina dolls that probably should have been in an museum somewhere, but most of the stock was French and German bisque and porcelain dolls, Madame Alexanders, Barbies, those creepy baby dolls, Steiff stuffies, and several really nice Liz Taylor fashion dolls. Also some Ellowyn Wildes and a few Genes hidden in corners, and some Tonner repaints that were gorgeous. The only bjds were the ones that Chitown Dollz brought--I bought a doll bag from Julie's sister Diane since the zippers keep breaking on my Soom bags, and I should have bought some pants from Julie's sister--but at the end I was getting low on money. I also brought back a lot of trim ends in bags and some lace, and a somewhat dubious little 7/8 wig. I'm looking forward to the next show. :D
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