Isley the Free-Choice Vesuvia..Sort Of

So this is Isley, whose head is a slightly modded Granado Venus. Her body is one I bought from Gus, though "bought" is kind of the wrong word for something that was basically a gift-with-postage. The Free Choice Vesuvia used to be MissAlly's, and after she passed away (much too soon) Gus inherited her very large stash of dolls and has been gradually dispersing them since then. He very kindly strung her for me, but I wanted to blush her tail, and somehow the tail hook had gotten lost and Gus made do by looping the string through the tail tip, which is super if you never ever want to take the tail off again, and I am sure that is exactly how he felt after he had strung it together. The problem is that both the leg holes are much smaller than usual, AND the top hole is sort of a tiny slot, so getting into the "tail compartment" is..well, a pain in the ass. First here is me making a little hook for the tail tip: Then this is how I think the tail is supposed t...