A Granado Jaden head for sale on Den of Angels

If you are a Den of Angels member, solarsenshi is selling a gorgeous Granado Jaden head here. She's asking basically her cost plus shipping, for a very limited, sold out head. The new Granado NS is a translucent Normal Pink and if you want a matching body for the head, I would recommend getting one at the next body ordering period at Granado; the sale runs Dec 1st through the 3rd, mainland China time. (Granado has a handy clock in the corner of their website front page to keep track of their current time). I would be all over this head if I hadn't just brought home a Galena and a Dia, because Things seem to Happen to the molds at Granado--which is why I don't have a Granado Taya here. Sigh.
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