Soom Free Choice Amber

Since Soom has come out with additional Ambers, they have been a little more available; and for some reason there is a sudden group of Ambers for sale on the Den of Angels marketplace--maybe because of the release of the new lavender Amber. Even better, Ostrich listed her Free Choice Amberyl for sale, and I love Ostrich because I know that she buys directly from Soom, takes great care of her dolls, and lives pretty close to me compared to say, Canada. AND she was willing to sell me just Amber's head, which was fantastic because I already have the Beryl Free Choice Body that I got in 2012 when I did the split with Leodora. So now I have an Amberyl that matches from head to toe. Check out the cute feet (I still love Beryl's feet, and I enjoy painting them)
That 2012 Free Choice Event was so great for me--I have managed to get Vesuvia, Amber and Beryl second-hand in NS from that release. (I missed all the original MD's when they were for sale at Soom) Because 2012 was a popular re-release and there are a lot of them circulating, the resale prices are affordable. Now I just need to start making a pile of things that fit that body, and everyone can share clothes.
Jan 21 2016-- I meant to update this and I forgot--I discovered that while Amber is beautiful, I just couldn't deal with the ears..and as she was someone else's Grail doll, I sold her. The buyer was also able to get the body from Ostrich, so Amber is now complete (and much appreciated) at her new place. It was fun having her visit, though!
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