Soom Girls

Because I need to figure out who still needs clothing, and because I wanted to do an inventory, I took out all my Soom girls and tried to take some reasonable photographs. It was made tougher by the fact that it was overcast outside and I am still learning the quirks of this new camera. I took a lot of photos and only about a third were even reasonable. But here are the girls, all with papers exept the Original Beryl in the back (but she has the original body blushing and a SDink faceup, plus she has the right amount of wear and yellowing for her age, so I am pretty sure she is the real thing-- plus she came from another Den of Angels member). From left to right:
Monthly Doll Mermaid Cass
Wish Upon the North Wind Cuprit, modded by Charie Wilson, (used to be owned by AntiqueLilac)
La Melinite Cass Special Order (modded by Krowbar)
Soulmate Cuprit (ordered from Soom directly by me)
Soom Legend Gneiss (ordered from Soom by me)
Free Choice 2012 Beryl (hooved)
Soom Galena Sweet Witch
Soom MD Migma Human Lavender
Free Choice 2012 Amber (Beryl hoof option)
Soom Migma Vampire, Breccia Body
Soom Beryl MD
Soom Beryl Love Me or Die
Soom MD Galena Gray
Free Choice 2012 Vesuvia
I also have the Free Choice Topaz body with a Granado Gabe head on it because I am weird and bronze heads are hard to find :D.
Here are some "sister" photos of the same molds together:
Cass and Cass; "Bubbles" and "Allegra, Demon Hunter"
Galena twins, "Shalimar" and "Serendipity"
Migmas "Raisin" and "Tesla"
Cuprits "Tatiana" and "Carissa"
Then just a couple of random outtakes, three girls in a row:
And here is something that looks like Antimony's Drivers License Photo:
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