More Shalimar

And here she is with a less poofy wig. I got her headcap magnet glued in correctly and now she just needs what everyone else does...clothes. You can see she is the original Galena Nov 2009 release. I'm her 5th owner and it looks like everyone else kept her in the box 90% of the time--I'm afraid she is going to be out a lot more than that at my house, partly because I want to sew for her and partly because I am so amazed that she is here--she sort of dropped in unexpectedly (though she was on the Marketplace since July, I never thought to look for her until a week ago.) Galena is my very favorite Soom sculpt-- but she isn't as popular as Beryl, so she is much harder to find. The best thing is that every girl here is now pretty much "that size" so clothes can be shared.
Aside from doll stuff and cleaning, not much went on here--J is working on a table out in the shop, which has no heat and it is around 21 degrees out there, and he made a pumpkin pie. I have some new books to read until the weather gets back up in the 30s so I can attempt to poke in my leftover tulips, though it may be too late for them. I'm still working on Gideon and a painting of the Rosetta comet. I'm supposed to be working on another project next week so I need to find the references for it as well.
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