The Soom Simple Pose Body

I will be honest--I hates it. How two little resin pieces can make or break a whole body I don't know, but even just getting her together (a body from the Cinderella release) was a major pain.
Below you can see the torso with just the head string showing--that part is ok, though the tension for the head seems a little off--but it could be from me using a hook instead of the resin "banana" in there.
Here are the Hip Pieces of Doom.
Before you put the thighs on, be sure the slot points down:
There is no room for a knot in the thin hip pieces--those two pipes have to touch each other inside the pelvis, so I tried tying the knot on the thigh side of the hip piece:
That was a fail because neither the knot or the extra string would fit in the tiny space at the top of the thigh. So I did what I did on my Simple Pose Tremo body--I sewed the elastics together. USE A TOOL or the backside of the needle will be much happier going into your thumb instead of into the tough elastic. Trust me.
Once the elastic was together, the legs finally went on and I was able to put Garnet's head on. The body will be painted, probably in a black and red color scheme, but I haven't worked it out on paper yet. Here you can see that the Cyborg body on the left has the easy pose pieces, and it does everything wonderfully.
The Simple Pose body stands well, but doesn't like to sit or move much outside of a limited range of motion. So the word is, spend twenty dollars and get those Easy Pose thighs.
Here is Ami with the beginnings of clothes:
I guess the 'simple' part is how few poses this body has? I'd be wary of 'easy' after seeing this. Ouch. Good job joining the elastic.
I think it's simpler for them to cast :D But I also think they figured out how much a PIA those basic legs are the first time they strung one of the bodies--there is almost no room to work the knot even with hemostats.
DeleteThe optional Easy Pose pieces are hollow so there is room for both the knot and the ends of the string, so you can adjust once it loosens up a bit, plus they let the legs come up towards the chest a lot more and down in kneeling poses much better, and more natural side to side poses. You can balance the whole doll in more natural poses, too! I guess if your doll just sits in a cabinet in a fullset, the plain legs would be more desirable, but otherwise..not so much. I might actually see if I can mod them at some future point, or swap the thigh pieces with new ones from Soom.
What about a loop of thinner elastic like for a 1/6 Hujoo? The knots on that stuff get so small, I had to put a small safety pin in to keep the knot from popping down through the neck.
It still needs to support the legs, which are fairly heavy and tend to droop even with the fat elastic. Grubbing out a hole in one of the thighs might work too, but so far the easier solutions has been sewing the elastic, then snipping and re-sewing it as it loosens up. Sewing it lets the elastic shift around a little in the legs too so the tension is more evenly distributed, which is a problem with the knot on one side or another. Hmm, but thinner elastic and wiring might work too, with the wire holding the legs up in the hip pockets.