Magic Mirror Studios Sinead

Today I went to the Chitown Dolls Spring Meetup, and I ended up coming home with new friends..this lady was from a trade with Akutenshi; I also finally succumbed to Kiyono's Galena, and Jo sent me her Erica Snow, so I have a lot of photos to load up over the next 3 days (I also have to ship out dolls to balance things out). I love trades :D So here is "Cherie" who is just barely not-a-tiny (she is a..small msd/fairy). That is my story and I am sticking to it. Also Kris the Resinsoul Ju needed a friend, though I think she will probably use him for a chew toy. And she is SO CUTE.

While I like these eyes, I have another tiny pair of "oil slicks" I'd like to try in her, since I do like pupilled eyes--but they may not fit. I will find out tomorrow.

Tokoz Dragon gave me books!! Lots of tiny, gorgeous, handmade books! You can see that Coppersmith and Aldwood are glad to have something to pass the time while sitting on the shelf:
(The dark blob at Aldwood's elbow is a dog).

It was such a great day all around!
