An Epidia Head and Tiny Swords

As a doll collector on a budget, I have to pick up Soom's dolls long after they come out. (Gneiss and Benmore were exceptions, Gneiss was an unexpected check and Benmore was my birthday and Christmas presents combined). I loved all the 2012 releases in the Legend line, but no way could I buy them as they popped out, one after another.
But here is my start on "Epidia, Queen of Waterfalls"; aka Panther Rhianna :D Neffy in Sweden is sending me the feet, then I have to save up to get the middle section at the next "body event". Ebony/ Dark Tan skin is tricky to paint, not so much the painting part, but in sealing it--Caracal0407 on Den of Angels has a gorgeous Epidia that she painted over the winter and sprayed it--and it fogged up white all over because of the cold and the humidity. Mister Super Clear does this too if it's below 50 degrees (and I have been told 70 degrees is better) with no humidity. (So of course spring here in Chicago has been 40 degrees and raining most of the time). But there is something called Purity Seal, made by Games Workshop, and even though I have read that different batches can be tricky, and the undercoat should be two sprays instead of one, it is supposed to do better with higher humidity, and colder temperatures; and not fog on dark skin. I'm going to see if I can get some next time I am at Games Workshop.
As I have been eyeing my dolls, trying to find more ways to cram them into the 18th century for costuming, a lot of very odd people are going to be pressed into service in the Royal Navy, including Epidia, who will become a female boatswain (since no one will argue with a panther, and who more qualified to swing a cat o' nine tails?). I suspect she'd be awesome in a boarding party, too. Of course everyone needs swords, even if they are the rather dumpy Navy issue loaners, and no way am I buying another Dollmore sword (two swords almost equal a doll). So as I was cleaning up the yard yesterday I found the solution to my problem:
That is at least 18 swords, even if I mangle a couple.:D
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