Minty Struggles with Stringing Benmore

When someone visits my blog, I like going back to see their blogs; it seems polite to return the visit. Minty ( lives in Russia, and (I think) is a university student about K's age, and is having a hard time getting her own Soom Benmore together. She got it all strung together and then "It would not sit". I wanted to ask her, "Minty, did you put the string for the legs up into the torso? Because then he would not sit--I did the same thing with Tremo."
So in the photo above, the top white string is a separate string (and quite short) that only goes to the head, and the other, long bottom string goes across the hips and down into the legs, and never up into the body. (This is very different from the old Super Gem male bodies). If Benmore is strung like this, he should sit properly.
I want to ask for a photo of how she has him strung now, to see what is happening inside Benmore, and there is a tempting comment box on her blog--the problem is that I am reading with Google Translate, and I am quite sure if I type, Minty will only see a lot of mysterious English characters in her comment box. It reminds me of the episode of the old Batman TV series, where Batman had to take a bowl of alphabet soup and pour it into the Bat Computer to find the secret message--only in my case, the Bat Computer on Minty's side would produce alphabet soup. Not very helpful!
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