The Basement of the Radio Spectrum

When I moved to Chicago, I had to re-learn where all the radio stations were; the NPR station, the classical music station (which J likes, and I can take only so much of), and the geriatric rock station. I finally got tired of the advertisements on the geriatric rock station, for Viagra and vitamins and lasik surgery and the local heart hospital, and moved the analog selector all the way to the bottom of the FM dial, Q877,"The basement of the radio spectrum" where they were playing the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and I have mostly stayed there ever since. I'm not their target audience; the ads are for quick loans, the Dollar Shave club, cheap cars, the Tilted Kilt, and my favorite, "Pole Katz" a "gentlemen's club" where the ad chants that they offer "hot chix n' liquor" which is beautiful in it's directness. And I have learned to appreciate Foster the People, Airborne Toxic Event, and Mumford and Sons, though I am still surprised that a lot of the music is stuff that I have in my own collection; Nirvana, Sublime, the Offspring, Audioslave and god help us, even the Beastie Boys. I have noticed that when you get a certain age, the lyrics get odder...I spent a long time singing "Goat on the Ceiling" with the Black Keys until I finally decided that couldn't be right, and looked it up. (It's "gold on the ceiling"..Goats actually make more sense). So I get up in the morning, turn on the radio, fire up Photoshop, drink my coffee and occasionally get up and dance to "You Have to Fight for your Right to Party," sing about the goats, and never have to listen to either Justin Bieber or Centrum Silver Vitamin ads.
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