Captain Davon and Heavy Iron

On the week when I am swamped with work, along comes the Granado 68 cm long-leg body for my Davon head. It's the first body Crocus designed and it is still a great body, more wiry and a little thinner than the Nuevo male body. (I wish Crocus would just keep making new male body types and putting them out--for one thing, they have the hip cuts and they stand really well).
Because I have had no time to sew, my poor Captain now has only a single pair of underwear and a slightly too-small letter opener that if it were just 4 inches longer, it would be perfect. (It's actually a replica US Cavalry sword). My leprechaun Patrick will get it instead, and it will be about right for him. Everyone else gets rake tines.
This photo is from where my "firepit" will be headed tomorrow, the Lemont scrapyard I hired a 20 yard rollaway to take away the wood from the fence, and an amiable contractor named Tony to shift the wood and to take away a lot of scrap metal we had sitting around. The worst job was digging up the firepit. I had thought it was a truck rim, but once we got it levered up out of the pool it was in (the water table is really high right now), Tony said it was the top of a manhole--not the cover, but the insert. And that thing was unbelievably heavy. Nothing I had was strong enough to slide or carry it on, so Tony and I ended up rolling it, on edge, around the house, down the hill (that was exciting) and yes, lifting it onto the back of the truck, which sagged down about 6 inches. Now I am tired. I think I will work tomorrow inside instead. I still have to take up the basement carpet before next Wednesday.
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