Goodbye and Thanks for all the Fish

In the pond behind Balthazar (the Soom Sphaler with the Simply Divine Hooves), there are no fish. Now it is faintly possible they are under the filter, still too cold to swim around, but even when there was ice on the top of the pond, I could look down and occasionally see a nose or a tail, and I haven't seen anything for more than a week, in spite of dipping algae out of the pond and adding new bacteria, and taking the filter out, cleaning it, and putting it back in. So I suspect that Mr. Raccoon sometime in the past two weeks had himself a meal of little princess fish, or as I started calling them "Benjamins with Fins" after I looked at the electrical usage for February. I hope I am wrong.
But here is a video of a raccoon actually being cute, though also involved in home burglary. J said that the raccoon was thinking "This will look GREAT in the culvert!"
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