Happy Halloween!

This is a pretty quiet Halloween here--since J never came up with a costume request (or went on an extended business trip to Brazil, which usually means a lot of sewing gets done) I didn't sew anything; though when I was looking in my closet this morning I realized that if I wore black sweats and my Hubble sky map T shirt, I could claim I was "The Adler Planetarium". We do have a bucket of crap candy from Costco, though we have already eaten out all the tiny snickers bars and Reeses. We even went last night to Target to get an extra bag of Reeses just in case extra kids show up, but the truth is we live in a part of town that is really hard to trick or treat in--no streetlights, no sidewalks and the houses are far apart with a long walk to get to each one. I figure that at 7:30 any child that shows up is getting the entire bucket, and then I am turning the porch light off. We did get a pumpkin: It's also supposed to rain buckets today, so much so that some township...