Last Week for Mecha Angels

In theory, this is the last time Soom will be selling the 80cm Mecha Angels. It looks like you can even get a Elf Sabik, but if you want one, you might go today or tomorrow and throw one on layaway. I had a Mecha Angel Body once--it's a perfectly good, elongated Old Style Super Gem body, and even poses and stands pretty well considering it's height. I never did get clothes for him, though, so I ended up selling it. But here is the link:
As of 10/26 the available list looks like it has shortened to just Antares, Bellatrix, Betel, Deneb,Sabik, Saiph and Vega. Here's the Notice:
Dear Mecha Angel fans,
Good day !
We have formerly informed you about the last FFD sale period being from October 15th to October 20th 2013 (Korea time).
The schedule has been changed to October 23rd to October 28th 2013 (Korea time).
Thank you for your attention ! ^^
SoOm staff
But, as for my vague plans of wanting an Elf Sabik:
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