Ghoulish Delights

Amber, my Nanuri 07 " I am-not-a-vampire" has pined for a box or a couch or an elaborate bed, and I have had no space for one (though I do have the legs for an Egyptian couch, and the cover fabric.) On Den of Angels, Dollhausen has been making boxes for his vampire girls, and offered to make one for me. It came yesterday, and it is quite the project. It's heavy, for one thing, with lots of hardware and some splendid purple lining. I knew of course Amber was going to be too tall for it, but I had to at least let him crawl around on it for scale, while the real occupant waited for him to finish. Rilly now has a splendid sleeping place for the moment, though she may eventually be moved over by another small vampire, since technically Rilly is a fairy, just playing at being a vampire. Lisa from Iplehouse would fit perfectly. :D
So thank you, Dollhausen!!
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