The Bronze Cuprit Soulmate

Soom has just released the Human Bronze Cuprit, after a petition was floated by two Finnish Den of Angels members. I held off signing it for a while--I didn't want to sign it unless I was ready to buy her, and I had to think about it. But the truth is I love the Cuprit head mold, and Soom's bronze really is a beautiful warm color, so I signed it. I think Soom did a couple of clever things with this "Soulmate" release--they made her a pair with a re-issue of Chalco, and gave her both the new body and a very sleek set of modern clothes. I did not get the faceup or the extras; my paycheck was stretched as it was, and I prefer my own faceup to the rather restrained one they show in the promos. I want a more dramatic one, like the one that Airike had on her Free Choice Bronze Cuprit:
I think this gives you a better idea of the potential of the sculpt in bronze. Her sale page is here:
Her ordering period is Oct 1st to Oct. 17th, so no dallying around if you want her!
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