Soom Agate and a Cabbage

Agate, the "Mother of Dragons" came out with a gorgeous outfit, a baby dragon and some mighty fine horns, but alas I had no money and apparently no one did either for that release, because I only know of two people who bought her. So I sort of gave up, and then one of the two owners put her up for sale. I couldn't swing the asking price, so I have been buying her piece by piece as I sell other things. In person she is far more of a "cutie face" than the tragic princess of the promos. Almost always these dolls look cuter in person than in photos. :D
And speaking of heads, we have 3 heads of cabbage ready, which is a lot for two people. Here is one of them, cleaned up a little.
I need to take a photo of the mess that bed is right now--I suspect a bunny got in there and the broccoli has bolted. I need to figure out what to plant for fall--I am thinking spinach. I really like spinach.
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