Iplehouse Luna Head: Granado Body, Impldoll body

Here is an Iplehouse Luna on a SID body. (Normally she comes on an EID body) Although she is one of the earlier Lunas (I think she might even be from the Tamer release) her color is still nice and pink. The body is a new one from SID Grace. The first body on the left is the Granado Nuevo--it was also in Normal Pink, but it has faded a bit so it no longer matches the Iplehouse color. (It was under a Fayette, I think). This Nuevo body is lovely-- but they are fussy, prissy, picky posers--you have to suede and coax them into the poses you want--but they are flexible enough to take any pose, provided you fuss them long enough. But the Iplehouse heads have Very Large neck holes because the Iplehouse necks are designed to flare out at the top, like a mushroom, which gives the heads a lot of mobility--they also have internal neck stops now to keep the head in the position you want. But here is Luna on the Nuevo body:
To be fair, a sculpey or cardboard spacer could fix this. This is the Small Bust Granado body that is normally under my Granado Anne.
This is the tricky part of this body--the leg stringing.
So far this is my best fix for that:
I need to do both legs--if you look at the first photo you can see one leg is offset because of the knot. Anyway, here Luna is on the much taller Impldoll Idol:
I like the look, and the fit is good. The color is off because this body is Realskin, not Pinky Normal.
Here is Impldoll normal--pretty much the same now as Iplehouse's Normal:
And now the bad news: Impldoll's Idol is only 330 USD, and the shorter Star body may be slightly less--but with this price comes oddities.
One hand on the Idol is larger than the other. Some bodies shipped with the wrong ankleballs--I make and fix stuff on my Marketplace dollies, so here I made some temporary ankle balls, but most people don't enjoy doing this. She actually sits better than the SID body I have, but you have to turn the knees out. Impldoll also ships with things oddly and sometimes insufficiently wrapped, so breakage happens. They are very good about replacing things, and customer service in general, but they are also overrun with orders so you can wait a long time for something...odd. On the other hand Soom is being just as slow and quirky these days-- and Soom has less English and more angst than the generally cheerful Impldoll. Also I like Impldoll resin a lot, and the sculptor's own personal style. The dolls seem happy when you pull them out of the box.
Another thing to consider with loose Iplehouse heads is that you can sometimes get regular Iplehouse bodies from the Marketplace for just a bit more than you would pay for a cheaper body--they run around 400.00 USD if you are patient and keep looking. Iplehouse has generally good quality, and the dolls will stand beautifully and fit perfectly on their "native" bodies. So keep that in mind as you look for a body for an Iplehouse head (Iplehouse resin tends to be matte rather than shiny, while other companies have more shiny resin).
This is really helpful for those who want to hybrid their Iplehouse heads! As I said previously I'm very grateful for your help and photos. Maybe you should share this info with the ones who are searching this kind of information in DoA (just saying... hahaha). I bet they'll be relieved to see other hybrids out there!
ReplyDeleteThanks again for your effort! <3
My pleasure!
DeleteHello. Was wondering if you have resin color matching for implehouse and ipldoll ...looking for implehouse head and imple star body. Pink and normal
ReplyDeletePink at Impldoll is like Peach gold was in 2016 at Iplehouse, but I think Iplehouse now has more yellow in it--but all you would need to do is take your Peach Gold Iplehouse head and a Normal Pink body and they would be pretty close. Right now the Impldoll normal is a little more yellow than Iplehouse. But Impldoll is willing to match color if you ask. You can also send them a piece of paper in the color you want and they will match that when they cast your body--I think there is a fee but I am not sure. Good Luck!