Old hooves, new to me...

Sophie Cushion, the old 2008 MD Beryl, has never had hooves--Cat only had her heel feet and flat feet when she sent Sophie to me. And I was always planning on finding Sophie some kind of hooves--and then pris84 listed a pair of original blushed hooves on Den of Angels, and I pounced on them. I did add some fur buffering to preserve the paint that is left. What is there is in pretty good shape--some scuffs and a bit of chipping, but I think I will just leave it alone. I'm happy to have them. Here's a couple more random Sophie pix:
I did work on a painting today, discovered that my publisher has gone back to issuing checks (boo) instead of PayPal, and I did laundry and put away the 20 pairs of Sculpey eyes I made Sunday.
J made a cake Sunday, 3 kinds of chocolate mousse, chocolate sponge cake, grand marnier topping in gelatin with orange juice.
Most of it did go with him to work Monday.
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