Soom Head, Resinsoul Body

For a long time I looked on the Den of Angels Marketplace for the Dark Tan Epidia body, but I think Soom 2 of them, so I gave up, and Consuelo's Epidia head sat around resentfully in a box; and then sat briefly on a Bronze Granado body (which I decided was too girly for her). Finally I decided to just get a Resinsoul 60 cm boy body in Coffee--you may think it's an odd choice, but it's hard to find a small, wiry, flat-chested girl body, almost as hard as finding a big, strapping Wonder Woman style body with muscles. The Resinsoul body is relatively cheap, and poses well--Consuelo has lots of range of movement, and she stays in the poses I put her in.
If I wired her, she would be as good as an Obitsu. The color is of course off, and I have been too lazy to paint her to match. I keep saying I am going to do it-- but I am sort of used to her Siamese Cat look now.
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