150 Years of Photojournalism

It's a collection of photographs of people, places and things from 1860 to around 1915 (volume 1) and it was put out by a German publisher, Konemann (there are umlauts over the o, I know there is a keystroke combo to do this in Windows but I always forget how). The author is Nick Yapp; I picked the book up off a Barnes and Noble sale table, so the chances are good you can get it on Amazon. (I have the multilingual edition, the original is German). I use it for costume refs--the photo above, besides being an ingenious way to teach kids to swim, shows the white shoes, removable collar and cuffs and dickey shirt front of a 1900s middle-class gentleman. And of course there are wonderful photos of people at work:
I think this image is a bit older, the 1890s maybe. There is a later one of a beauty pageant c. 1913--I love all the dresses:
and there are lots of street scenes, this one of a "street chemist" c. 1870
I would not drink those free samples). And there are lots of portraits of famous people, including this adorable one of Gustave Dore, who looks like a charming rascal:
I just want to pinch his cheek...though really I want to see him prepare an engraving plate :D
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