Garnet Sale

After a lot of dithering, I listed my Garnet head on Den of Angels--I would like to get a body for Neptune soon while Granado still has the matching resin and the molds for the Evol are still ok, and that means someone here has to be the patron of Neptune's body. While I think Garnet is gorgeous, I was a little disappointed to discover she was actually the Vesuvia mold, redone; especially since the new body Cyborg is a little smaller and more compact than the larger old body Vesuvia was designed to go on. I hesitated for a while too, thinking I didn't want to break up the set; but I did buy the body and head separately (the body I have is from the Free Choice, not the original Borg) and the resin between Garnet's head and the cyborg isn't a perfect match. It does match my Breccia head perfectly in size and color. If no one buys her, I will be glad to keep her, but of the two "Vesuvia" heads here, there is one that is my clear favorite--and that is Selket:
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