More Cardboard Magic--Cristobal Valecillos

This beautiful image comes from artist/photographer Cristobal Valecillos--he spoke with Hi-Fructose and said:
“My art form involves an innovative concept of using raw cardboard and paper, born out of a desire to create art without generating waste. This led to my inspiration to use everyday materials that are around us and craft something beautiful with them,” he says. “My goal is to show people that fashion is not only about consuming and wasting; we can bring forth inspired art into the world by recycling. Rather than creating waste, I am converting it into beauty, and I am reminded that we can express ourselves in extraordinary ways by using the most basic elements.”
Go check out his series "A Cardboard Life" on his website and look at the "Behind the Scenes" video (2:38). Also, what would we do without hot glue guns? hehe!
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