
Neptune's head is here at last! He spent six days in Customs at O'Hare, I think because the box was not marked Granado anywhere, and the shipper did not sign the customs form (plz sign the customs forms, people). I sent an email to USPS customer service yesterday, explaining what was in the box and where it was made; and with no email reply, the box was sent directly to my local Post Office yesterday, possibly because they felt that a doll head wasn't worth any further examination. (The full size Granado boxes I get fly through ISC in less than 24 hours usually, but they are trademarked and distinctive.) So here he is! He is indeed too large for the 68 granado body Jo sent me, but I was expecting that, and I have another head I plan to put on that body.
Such a beautiful head! The neck hole is enormous, here is a Luts Donut sitting inside the neckhole, for scale:
Here is his profile--even the top of his head is interesting, he's also a headcap doll head instead of a "faceplate" head:
He may have to wait a while while I think about the options I have for a larger body, but I am very glad I went ahead and ordered him!
His color is "normal" but it's not the pinky normal of earlier releases; I think this is closer to Volks, or Normal Yellow. It's very close to the color of the little pine bench I made yesterday.
I would try putting something around his shoulders as a sort of faux shirt before deciding on the body to head. My AngelsDoll guy looks awkward until dressed. And the hand to face ratio?
ReplyDeleteHaha, head in a box. Customs should get used to it by now.
Your comment was in the Spam tray! Good think I checked there! From the front he looks ok, but the neck is gappy. I do want the body he is supposed to have, it's just that money thing ;)
DeleteHe's gorgeous :D what beautiful sculpting!
ReplyDeleteHe is! THough he's inconvenient, in that he really is a small head designed to go on an EID sized body..but I am still glad to have him! And thank you!