Souldoll Revisited

A long time ago I had a regular Souldoll, one of the 50-something cm girls, and though I loved the body, I did not love the heads I had on that body. So I just gave up on Souldoll--they don't come on the Marketplace all that often, they are no good for hybrids, and they are expensive (This is also why you never see the Mother of All the Ball Jointed Dolls, Volks, in my collection--too expensive; though I love their SD16 girl bodies--which cost 700.00 USD.. used... with no head.) So until last week, Souldoll was a "no go" zone.
Then last week I was updating my sales thread in the Marketplace, and saw this listing for a "Souldoll Paratiisi", and I was "a Souldoll ..what?" This was the photo:
The first thing I thought was "That's a Dollmore Dollpire Victor Lou next to her!" (Last seen in his Dollmore promo photos wearing a suit and tie and reading the Financial Times; Dollmore has the slyest humor in their photos). The next thing I realized was that if they were standing side by side, Paratiisi must be tall, since Victor is a big guy, and this must be some new line of Souldolls (haha, several years old in fact, it's been that long since I looked at them. Zenith girls are in fact 62 centimeters tall, a nice height.) And Paratiisi, along with being tall, shapely and having a nice wig (included in the sale) was I think this was because Shadyfolk commissioned the faceup, which while beautifully done, made the poor woman look terrified--it's the line above the eyes and where they put the mouth corners. The default paint is more neutral, and in fact quite lovely.
Here I think she looks a little like Beryl, and I miss Beryl! So I bought Paratiisi. Her own horns are on Victor Lou in the photo, by the way, and they stayed with him--they weren't part of the sale, and I can buy them direct from Souldoll as a single item for around 35.00 not counting shipping. Or make my own, which I would rather do. Once she arrived she was easy to string--no weird pieces at all. And she stands and poses beautifully, partly because she has big feet--8 cm, which is like Delf Boy size. Souldoll has not quite reformed-- she still has a small head--just barely a size 8, slightly larger than my ShuShu but not by much. I took out the silver eyes she came with (Ersa Flora, it looks like, in perfect shape--someone else will be using them for sure.) and put in the Soom Cherry Night 14mm that came with the Saiph head. Perfect fit.
So while I doubt I will be getting another Souldoll (the male bodies are strange, too), I'm so happy with this girl! She looks like she could do SF characters as well as her current "random fairy" mode.
And just to show that Souldoll does do some cool things, here is the famous 4-arm Shiva, in gray. And no longer a limited item--I don't need one, since I have plenty of custom sewing already to do, but I am glad she exists.
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