Original Beryl

Cat and I send back and forth boxes of oddments that delight us..or rather, I send Cat utilitarian bits of resin, and Cat sends me back little scraps of Fairyland and artist constructions that probably should be insured for a lot more money that she is insuring them for. So I when I ordered my Bronze Cuprit, I got to thinking that no one really needs 3 Cuprits... and a lot of my dollie crowd has been the result of other people's generosity and trading, so I thought that Cat would like Winter, since she is a WS Cuprit (Cat prefers "Sculpture" colored dolls rather than people colored dolls), and Cat has a really magnificent collection of hoofed dolls. Amusingly, the hoofed feet were the one thing that I couldn't find when I was looking to rebuild Winter back up to nearly a fullset for Cat--I knew Cat wouldn't need the original clothing, since she sews and the sets turn up every now and then. I had the Cuprit horns-- and then there was a miracle and I found the crown (see earlier blog post about the Ice Crown). I was also pretty sure Cat liked the Cuprit sculpt, but might not ever get around to buying her. So off Winter went to live at Cat's, and now Cat is busy giving Winter the lifestyle that she never enjoyed here, including a professional faceup and a top hat (which I never would have thought of in a million years..it looks adorable.)
So Cat asks me if she can send me back the box, since she doesn't have room to store them, and I say yes, please! And she tells me she will send me a little something in the box, to make it worthwhile to ship it back. So I am expecting maybe cookies, having forgotten a conversation we had about Levy's Jewish Rye bread. So the box came yesterday, and it's surprisingly heavy. I'm thinking that Cat must have sent back the pillows and maybe some Christmas decorations, so I take it inside and open it. And there are all kinds of small goodies that I am carefully stashing to make doll clothes out of,and a gift for K, and a giant spider suitable for my SF dolls to poke at, and a scale nutcracker..and a loaf of perfectly good Levy's bread!! Whoo hoo! And the box, which has the gold ribbon around it.. man, that is heavy in there! So I peel back a lot of tissue and OMG ITS SOPHIE CUSHION*, Cat's ORIGINAL BERYL. Wearing, by the way, a coutourier one-of-a kind artist outfit.(Not the tissue or the face protector, btw) :D
I had to sit down for a couple of minutes. I had considered myself very lucky to have a Free Choice hooved Beryl. I never thought I'd even see an original Beryl in person! She even has the original yellow and brown body blushing, though she has an upgraded SDink faceup, which alone is worth more than a couple of my other dolls. Holy Moly! And Cat is laughing on the East Coast "I got you!! I actually surprised you!!" And yes she did. (many heart icons here).
SophieCushion has already helped herself to Aurelia's gold necklace that Girrl made that I have been meaning to take a photo of for three days now, and just now got to it--the necklace is heavy and beautiful and suits SC very well.
Cat, thank you!!!!!!
*Cat and I share a habit of silly nicknames for our dolls, especially the favorite ones.
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