Two Scorpions and Many Rabbits

This is Girrl's scorpion "Sonja", a Free Choice Soom Vesuvia...technically an "Onvia" since she has the Soom Onyx head and the Vesuvia body. I think she is awesome. She even has her own knitting needles, but Girrl does the full-sized knitting, she is the one who made my Free Choice Vesuvia's blanket. And yes, I know the photo is huge--between Flickr and Blogger, I had to workaround reposting the image by storing it on my own server, and Blogger does not seem to know how to generate small previews from linked content. Anyway, Selket,my Free Choice Vesuvia, is wishing she had fur like's snowing again:

It's snowed enough to form an ice dam on our roof, so J went up on the ladder with tools and salt to try to redirect the meltwater and knock off more icicles.

Stripey thought she would help, until she realized there was snow:

The wild rabbits have been raiding the compost heap, and so have the chipmunks--you can see tracks all over the yard:

Also, the little buggers have been stripping the bark off the roses, though they have also left free fertilizer:

And as annoying as the bunnies are, they are cute..check out Girrl's pet bun. Awwww!
