Mitsuwa in April

It was the Mitsuwa meetup again! This cutie belongs to Starpunzel, and she knitted Mina's little sweater; so cute! (Mina is a Soulkid Harang; those little souldolls are so sweet). Then there was Elaine's Unoa/Minifee girl and her Little Monica Audrey (haha my notes are almost indecipherable, but Audrey's little friend is a tan Bambicrony with a super cute wig.)
Then there is Akutenshi7's Soom Grey--first by himself:
and then on the new Volks Couch with a Minifee and a Doll Leaves Maya:
A taobao Easter bunny!
Then Melli the levitating Adamelli:
And here safely back on the table, with a little DollHeart dress:
Then there is one of Gherkin's daughter's girls, with a new kimono dress:
Rachel's two Volks girls in new dresses made by Rachel herself:
They had two pukisha at their feet (I think those are what those kitties are):
Then an adorable Customhouse guy, who belongs to Itsamootpoint with one of a kind ears and a winning little smile:
And finally Ashley's wonderful Goth Lolita outfit, which I am pretty sure she sewed the skirt and the jacket, since the jacket is edged with tiny lace.
The photo is pretty fuzzy and bad--hence the Art Rage painting on the background. I should have had her stand outside, especially since Mitsuwa's wall behind her is covered with tape and peely maroon paint that makes everything look green in contrast. You can't really see the lace, the cobweb pattern on the stockings, the tiny buckles on the ballet slippers or the hairbow (I also should have asked her to turn her head so you could see it at least a little better). I did get to take home a small sample of her sewing work in the form of a new cherry kimono for Kalypso, who is somewhat clothing-deprived, though it's getting better. (Still no shoes yet, though I got some recommendations for her).
All around it was a fun and inspiring day, even though as usual my photos are blurry, green and not nearly as wonderful as the subjects!
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