Three Bad Photos of an Elf Sabik

Yes, he is here! And he is larger than I remembered 80 cm to be, partly because Valentine's (who used to be on a battered Mecha Angel body) head is smaller than The Elf's. Sabik's head is the size of an apple. When I picked him up from his previous home at Minerva's, he was still in the factory-unassembled state, and I have to say I have never had a more cooperative doll in getting put together. The first pair of eyes I put in fit, three different wigs looked ok (though I like the color of this one the best.) And he sat and stood perfectly well... until I pulled out the clothes, and then he was having none of it. I can't blame him--the only thing big enough for his shoulders was a shirt so fabulous not even my gay guy would wear it, and the other option was a dragon halloween costume. So he was in it for about 3 minutes for a couple of snapshots. I need to sew him some character-appropriate clothes asap! Here you can see he is almost as tall as Mr. Roboto:
Here's just a semi-profile--I will take more photos tomorrow if there is any sun.
Dollie love is so mysterious--why is it that Minerva and I would buy dolls, each quite wonderful, and find them somehow lacking once they were home? Benmore should have been The Best Ever, since he is one of the most beautiful deer-avatars Soom has made and I have a stable of deer; and Minerva also has a couple of very fine Mecha Angels. But she was as happy to see Benmore as I was to see Sabik, so it was an excellent trade!
He's so cute! I love that profile. <3
ReplyDeleteAnd tall. o.o
Haha, super tall! It's fun though--it's easier to get clothes on him!
DeleteThank you too!