Ilsonya's Return

Sort of a random pic (I have no clue what Sonia looks like, she could look like anything or be any age, though she works in an office I think doing artwork/graphics of some kind.) Her blog is now a more personal blog, and has historical clothing, art and other things now, not just dolls..and I like it even more. Here she is looking for decent fish:
Gentlemen Muscovites and recommend a place in this city where you can buy fresh fish? Well, at least no more sdohshuyu days ago and carp. and then bought another rotten walleye with colored gills and feel strong desire to stick it to the seller in an unexpected place. and then pull sharply back.
Aww, we have good Walleye here, though if you go to Culver's you can get some odd flavors. Yesterday's sign:
mmmm, minty!
Sonia does need to take down the blog's Christmas decorations, though--it's like here, where it has been so cold and nasty even the city Christmas decorations are still up, looking very tattered, dry and ready for removal. Even the big Christmas light tree on the mall is still up, and the garlands on the lightposts in Lisle.
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