Resinsoul Boy body

A Christmas present! He came with a cute little artist's head, that I would like to find a different body for (the head is a sort of pinky tan, hes a Angel Toast Ravyn)
The Resinsoul body is the 60cm one, in the darkest color they do--coffee. I'm going to paint it and use it for my Epidia head, because it's phenomenally posable:
No propping for any of these; in fact when the body was just standing on my table it had a huge hemostat run through the elastic at the neck and it just stood there. I have had, and loved the gangly 72 cm Resinsoul Long body, but this one rocks. It is only suitable for small heads like girl heads, maybe Elfdoll, Narae, HZ or Fdoll heads; Resinsoul themselves seem to want to put huge heads like Gang on there. Gang is adorable, but enormous.
I'm so delighted to get the body and head (it's like getting two dolls at once :D )
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