Cake and Vampires

K came today to stay for a week, and we moved a lot of things around in the house to make room for a guest bed. This made Stripey convinced that we were going to move again, so she threw up on the carpet (twice); but once the twin bed got put in the studio, she seemed to figure out she wasn't slated to be pushed into a box, and then she calmed down. K and I went to Costco, where we discovered than vampires don't like Costco's short hours (they seem to never be open at night): While we were at Costco K saw the giant chocolate cakes, which are way too large even for three people, but K said "That was the cake that got me through mono! I have fond memories of that cake!" So we decided we would buy it anyway, though I knew J would say "he could have made one", and then we would have a couple of slices, and J could bring it to the kitchen at work Tuesday and it would disappear. But it turns out that tomorrow at his work is the "Health Fair" whe...