Last Week For Peaches

At the Downer's Grove Farmer's market last June, we saw a similar sign that said "Last Week for Cherries" and then of course there were almost two months more of cherries, so now any faux "limited opportunity" has become "Last Week for Cherries" at our house. But it's definitely fall--we have blankets on the bed again, and I have to order filters for the heater. I brought in the Unlucky Bamboo and the house plants from outside, and we caulked some of the sun porch windows. The garden still looks good, though:
The morning glory monster has eaten even the top of the bug zapper now, and if the pole was taller it would still be going up:
The giant sunflowers in Downers Grove need to be harvested:
And soon it will be cold enough for the hot food at Ballydoyle's to be very welcome (Irish stew, grand marnier chocolate pudding, among other things.) This is above and behind Ballydoyle's:
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