A Strange Merman

I'm waiting to hear back from the art director on the latest version of a cover I am working on--I always think they will get back to me in a couple of hours, because the old art director was BAM "OK, we need you to lighten this and move the type over here," sometimes within minutes, so the whole cover from start to finish would take less than a week. Now, with the new world order, it can take a week just to get an interim version approved. Half the time I can't remember what I was doing..."there was a file? What was it called?" because so much time has passed and other projects and crisis domestique have intervened. But I was hoping we'd be done by five tomorrow, so instead of washing the kitchen floor I painted up the Ken head, into what has to be the strangest faceup I have ever done. I am not sure I like it, but at the same time it's so weird it's kind of interesting. And I invested way too much time hand-placing individual clumps of eyelashes,although they look great done that way.
In other news, the Morning Glory Monster has tossed out a bloom:
The one on the fence, that I put mushroom compost on, is looking the best of all of them:
The flowers are big, too! About the size of the Katrien head ;D
Aaand the merman has yet another faceup:
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