I Cook Rice

J worked late so I made dinner--the rest of it was fine. I found some bread instead, and once the rice sits in the fridge it can be recooked with other stuff (it was super wet.)
Yesterday the weather was warm and dry enough to do some painting, and I am glad I did because it is raining today, and expected to tomorrow. It was nice enough yesterday that I actually opened a window for the first time in months, which surprised the gray cat:
Despite the rain, I do need to go to the store today; we are low on some things, like milk:
Finally, I got another cover approved and delivered yesterday, so I celebrated by going to Denver Doll and buying eyes. I was very tempted by the Candy Cane Mint but I really came for the Gold Threaded Eyes for Selket. I can't think of anyone who needs mint eyes, I just think they are cool.
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