Jimmy Thomas, birthday boy

You might not recognize the name, but the chances are if you read romance novels, you have seen him. A LOT of him. He's the guy selling his photos for cheap..uh...highly affordable romance novel covers. And I should be annoyed with him, but he comes across as such a cheery, chirpy entrepreneur, how can you hate him?
For example, in the spam email he sent me today: (First of all, he is having a birthday sale of photos on his site)
... I will be temporarily coloring my hair blonde and/or Nordic white, and wearing matching hair extensions for the first 2 Viking shoots, where I will also be doing various RNC Viking, Renaissance, Regency, Cowboy and Contemporary sets with the blonde hair, with and without the extensions. ... March 29-31 I'll be in Dallas to give my workshop at the RWA Conference. ... I haven't shot in a while due to my crazy schedule and a shoulder injury in December/January, so I have all my body hair and will also be doing some shoots showing it - if you have any requests for those let me know.
I mean really, he's practically family with that kind of info. And he is probably the way the universe is hinting I should go paint something with real paint instead of doing these novel covers. I need to get some space art done asap for Balticon anyway.
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